I’m Sorry, Mississippi Is Closed


The entire state of Mississippi came to a screeching halt for two days yesterday.


We received 5″ of snow.

Yup.  That’s why.

On Tuesday, schools had early release.  Most of them at noon.  Seeing as it was supposed to snow on Wednesday, they wanted to be safe and not sorry.  Better to let the little ones be snug and home than stuck on the roads should the weather arrive early.

Wednesday, the snow was supposed to arrive in the morning. EVERYTHING was closed! We did get some freezing rain in the morning but the snow didn’t get here until around 3:30 pm.  When it got started, it didn’t stop until around 9:00 pm.

Thursday morning, all schools and Universities cancelled all classes again.  There actually WAS snow on the ground!  No driving.  People were encouraged to stay home.  They did.

By noon, Thursday, all the snow was melted.  The roads were as clear as a whistle.  No problems.

Now, it’s Friday, the sun is shining and everything is back to normal.


That was close!
