Which Came First…

Today’s run:  45 min lifting at the “Y”

The old saying goes, “Which came first the chicken or the egg?”.  People have been arguing about that for years.  The more important question, at least to me is, “Why did the chicken cross the road?”.  I mean, if we are going to think deep thoughts, let us really think deep thoughts!

Yesterday, one of our chickens died. It was the sick one that I had been telling you about.  It was sad and funny.  It was an accident really…and a long story.  Just trust me.

We double bagged the chicken and overnighted (Fed-Ex) her to the Mississippi State University lab in Pearl, Mississippi.  They do research/lab work and all sorts of important things.  But what they are going to do is an autopsy on my chicken.

We have been talking with the top (for the state of Mississippi) chicken vet.  She has been trying to help us with the hen and wanted to do an autopsy on her if/when she passed.  She has been stumped as to what the problem was with the chicken and wanted to see what the problem was and to see if we could expect to see any of our other hens get sick.

So, they have the hen now and we will wait for the results.

Happier news though!  We were getting ready to go the the “Y” this morning when one of the other hens went and parked herself firmly in one of the roosting boxes and gave us a very nice egg!  It is a brown egg about the size of a large egg you would purchase from the grocery store.  Not too shabby for a first try!

So, which came first?  Why did the chicken cross the road?  And why did the lollipop cross the road???  (because it was stuck to the chicken)

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