Monthly Archives: December 2015

Kite Weather

It’s Sunday, Aiden! Last day of the weekend. I know it’s your oldest sister’s birthday up in heaven. Happy Birthday to your sister! I know she’s proud of you! You’re a very good little brother.

We ran 6.10 miles this morning. It is a very windy Mississippi day. 30 mph winds! We got blown all over the place while we were out. Made me wonder what a kite feels like. I think if somebody had tied a string to our foot, we just might have found out! smile emoticon

We are still (still!) laying tile in the kitchen. We were kinda, almost done yesterday but we ran out of mortar. Can’t get very far without that. Seeing as it was 5:00 pm. we decided to call it a day. MFH is working on the floor right now. My job is to keep Paxton from being such a good helper! Hahaha!!!

MFH and I will be leaving for Colorado this coming Thursday. We will be driving for three days to get there. MFH “won” something on Oklahoma City, so we have to drive through there to get to Colorado. It’s going to add that extra day to our trip. Fun Times!

I’m going to try to run as many miles for you as possible while we are gone. You know how trips can be….unpredictable! If I miss a few days, will you forgive me? I will do my best!

If you’re still counting, today we hit 2247.65 miles for this year! There’s 2.5 weeks left of this calendar year. How many miles do you think we’ll have by the end of December? Hasn’t this been fun!?!

MFH needs my help on the floor so I need to go help him. Have a fabulous Sunday, Aiden!

Paxton is here. He’s pushing my hands out of the way so he can give you puppy kisses. That silly Paxton! I’m sending you tons of love, hugs, kisses and wishes for you to get all the way well!!!

Love, Mel
