Monthly Archives: June 2015

Running Buddy

What a nice surprise!

Most of you know that I am on the Endurance Obsession Racing Team this year.  There are quite a few of us representing endurance athletics across the country.  Most of the people are out in the western part of the United States so I am the odd man out when it comes to group activities.

I received a phone call just yesterday!  One of my teammates was in my area and wanted to get together for a run last night.  No, he must’ve called Tuesday evening now that I think about it.  Yes, it was Tuesday.

Anyway, I jumped at the opportunity to have a running buddy!  I must admit that I am getting tired of my own company on all of these training runs.  I’m boring!  The thought of getting to run with somebody else was very appealing.  We made tentative plans for an early evening run for last night.  Wednesday.

Yesterday, of you recall, I had run 13 miles at 3:30 am.  I was really tired.  As the day wore on, I really, really, really did not want to go out for another run.  It was soooooo hot and humid and I quite frankly didn’t have any more miles in me.  But, “A promise is a promise” and I waited for the call to tell me what time we would get together for the run.

It was getting on towards 5:00 pm and the sky was getting dark.  Not nighttime dark, stormy dark.  The wind had picked up and it wasn’t looking so good out there.

That’s about the time my phone rang.  It was my soon to be running buddy.

“I got hung up in Vicksburg and am just getting into town.  Do you mind waiting until morning?”


“No!  I don’t mind waiting at all.  I think that would be great!”

We quickly set the time for 5:00 am and a distance of 10 miles.

Easy peasy.

Now, I had never met this person before.  MFH (My Favorite Husband) is out of town for the week.  This just now registered in my noggin’.  Hmmmm…

I called MFH and told him what was happening in the morning.  He wasn’t overly thrilled but I do have Paxton here and I wasn’t too concerned. The guy didn’t seem like a secret ax murderer or anything.  We agreed that I would go for the run.

4:45 this morning, my phone rang.  It was my running buddy and he was in the driveway.  Boy was I glad I had gotten dressed a little early!  HA!  I still needed to put on my shoes and socks.

I let him in knowing full well that Paxton would keep him busy wiggling and giving puppy kisses while I finished getting ready.  *Paxton was a good dog this morning and did exactly that.*

5:00 and we hit the road.  What a great run!  So much fun!  The total distance ended up being 10.75 miles and we maintained an 11:22 pace.  I was very, very pleased with that.  It’s amazing how having someone with you helps you pick ’em up and put ’em down!

The weather this morning was nice, too.  74* and only 88% humidity.

So, I had a great run this morning.  Called MFH as soon as I got back to the house.  Didn’t want him to worry.  The running buddy hopped into his car and drove off as soon as we got back.  Everything went fabulous.

Here is a pic he took while we were running.
