Monthly Archives: March 2013


Today’s Run:  8.00 miles~on the button!

We had such a lovely run this morning.  The temperature was perfect.  51 F.  The humidity was about 80%.  There was no breeze. It was perfect.  Not too hot, not too cold.  Just Perfect.

We ran an eight mile loop called “The Talking Warrior Loop”.  Except today, we ran it in reverse.  I do not know if that was the difference today, seeing things in the opposite order or what…It is mostly in the country.  Not a lot of homes.  Some gravel.  One place with free range chickens (I talk to them as we run by), lots of friendly dogs.

There was one car today that played “Chicken” with me as it drove down the road.  It would not move over as it approached.  I was on the side and it was not giving an inch.  Finally, at the last minute, it swerved to the other lane.  Disconcerting.  Might have still been feeling the effects of last night’s party?  We do run pretty early in the morning, after all.

But, the creme’ de la creme’ was at the very end of the run.  We took a little detour and came upon the prettiest little scene that I had never run past before.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
