other thoughts

What is Hip?

[Today’s run: 1 mile]

My wife got herself into a bit of a kerfuffle on one of her internet groups yesterday.  It seems they were discussing the current state of the nation in regards to courtship/dating and marriage, namely that people frequently think it is a “good idea” to live together to see if  they are “compatible” before they get married.

(You can tell by the quote marks that I don’t think the concept is “compatible” with anything like love.)

And she put in her 2 cents (she had it right, of course… does that mean we are compatible?).

And that then had all sorts of people agreeing and disagreeing and deleting their angry postings after calming down, etc. etc.  the whole internet firestorm pattern.

As I have gotten older it seems like the world of “normal” as I know it has been proven to be somewhat unusual.

I remember, sometime in my teens, I had a conversation with my mother and older sister about some soap-opera on TV with various couplings and intrigues.  I remarked at the time that it was not “real life”.  They told me that, in fact, real life actually did get that way frequently.  And so they have been proven right.  Life imitates art.

People don’t even aspire to what I think of as the right way to operate, let alone get anywhere near achieving it.

I’m not near achieving it myself, so that part I understand.