running work

Everything always changes a little bit

[today’s run: 3.4 miles]

Two days back at work. It seems I haven’t completely forgotten how to do it.

Some of my co-workers are finding out that the company wants them to come into the office more often. The big cheese announced that they want people to be at the office at least 4 days a week (up from 3 days a week). There are some folks not too happy about it.

I am told that me being 100% remote makes me a special case and probably not subject to any change at this time.

The Covid thing hit about 4 years ago. When the client company closed down for a couple of weeks, my employer found some busy work for us to do and kept everyone employed. For a while they cut pay back a little bit. But later that fall they caught everyone up to where they would have been. I’ve been working mostly remote since, maybe June of 2020. There was awhile that I went in to the office even though it was mostly deserted. But then we moved back to Mississippi at the end of 2021 and I’ve been 100% remote except for two visits to the Dubuque office.

They’ve been good to me through all of this.

This summer will be my 5th anniversary and I will have worked half of that time from Mississippi.

We are still not 100% recovered from Covid. Mrs still has a temp. I get tired before the day is really done. But I think we are slowly getting back up to speed.

I ran this morning and really enjoyed it. I’ve got a 20k trail run in early March, so I figured I need to at least get out there in a regular way. 20k is 12 miles and at the moment that sounds like a very long run. I’ve got a time limit of 10 hours… so if I don’t fall in a hole I should be able to get it done.