
Food and Pubs

[today’s run: 3.5 – watson road]

We ate well in London.  Our most common meal was fish and chips, which was always good.  The best fish and chips we had was in this pub where we met some of the wife’s running compatriots.  (You can see my reflection in the window in the yellow hat.)  It was packed as you can see, and there were people out in the street around it.  But the people we met there had secured tables inside so we were able to sit. (I received a phone call from work so I went outside where I could hear.)

Later that evening we met another guy in yet another pub.  So… I have done a two-pub day in London.   So there.  I drank a pint in that pub.  I’m not much of a beer person but I was able to do it.  And in another pub later in the week I had a glass of white wine  (I actually asked for “sprite” but he understood it as white so we just rolled with it).

As with our trip to Berlin asking for water usually produced a bottle of water, so no unlimited refills.  The tap water was cold but not particularly tasty.

For other food we also had pasta, chicken, pizza, and other normal stuff.  I got along with the food just fine.  We were introduced to crumpets and Gummy Babies and mild breakfast sausages and other English things.