other thoughts

My stomach hurts

[Sunday: 3.5; Wednesday: 3.5]


[p.s. to this:  I did get myself some more Tagamet.  It works.  And I’m trying to not do so much snacking.]

I didn’t get much sleep last night.  My stomach was hurting because I ran out of Tagamet.

I have problems with my stomach hurting when it is empty, particularly at night.  I get a lot of acid reflux when I lie down.  A year ago I was trying to keep it under control by taking a spoonful of lemonade before I went to bed, and not eating in the evening.  That was reasonably effective.  I talked to my doctor about it and he also suggested a pro-biotic pill.

I did the pro-biotic and lemonade for awhile but the effect didn’t improve.  So then I went to generic Pepcid pills and they weren’t very effective.  I tried this generic Tagamet and it seems to do the job.

The labels on these things, both the Pepcid and Tagamet, say that you shouldn’t use them as a long term solution.   So I ran out yesterday and decided to try one night without it.  It wasn’t a success.

My stomach also hurts when it is full, like about an hour after I eat.  The only time I feel good overall is when I am munching on something.  So I do a lot of snacking on saltine crackers and similar stuff.  But that has me gaining weight.  I’m at least 20 lbs over what I want to be.  My adult minimum was 50 lbs south of here.

So I’ve been doing both the Tagamet and the munching;  I’m really messed up now!

I went to the doctor about this a few years ago and he said I needed to lose weight.  (thanks for the newsflash buddy!)  And a different doctor, my recent regular guy, seemed to think that one Pepcid/Tagamet a day wasn’t a bad price to pay.

I also notice that some particular foods I eat cause me trouble.  Garlic, peppers, onions, are all no good.  Spicy food.  Bread has been on my suspicion list and I’m starting to wonder about dairy.  I’m burpy all of the time.  I burp when I get out of bed in the morning(!), what’s with that?

The Tagamet has helped my throat feel better.  I don’t have the swallowing problems I was having there for awhile.  So if I don’t get throat cancer from acid reflux, that’s a good thing.

This past weekend we had a big project at the office and I’ve been working 10-12 hours a day since then trying to fix all of the stuff I broke.  I haven’t had time to do the munching, which is good.  And I haven’t been eating in the evening, also good.  But my stomach hurts and I’m not very happy about it.  I need to go buy some more generic Tagamet.