other thoughts

That’s the way the world is going

[Yesterday: 3.4 miles; today 6.5 (run/walk)]

Yesterday the decision came down from the US Supreme Court that all states have to recognize the marriage of two people of the same sex.

It is easy to get discouraged that the child-making power of the union of a man and a woman is no longer a special relationship recognized by the government.  But it is also not a surprise.  Anything which is blessed by the government can also easily be cursed by the government.  Things that are taxed, regulated, overseen or subsidized by the government can be molded to whatever the government wants them to be.

I say “government” as if the thing is monolithic, which it is not.  But the power is monolithic and the result depends on whatever will there is at any given time to drive it.

In the space of a few months the Supreme Court, particularly Justice Anthony Kennedy, overruled a law passed by a previous congress and president  (DOM) and now imposes the exact opposite of that law on a nationwide basis.   That is a wicked act to serve a wicked purpose.  And I am fully convinced he will eventually be judged himself for doing it.

But that is not my job, nor any other Christian person.  God says, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay.”  [That is the difference between a Christian fundamentalist and an Islamic fundamentalist.]   I think it is the Christian’s place now to pray for those, the former spouses and the children of those who fall victim to homosexuality, and the children by surrogate and adopted into motherless or fatherless families.   There will be a lot of pain and a lot of need for prayer.

It is nice to think that eventually the harm will be seen and things will be righted.  But history doesn’t show that.  Other civilizations have been down this path and eventually foundered on dissipation and selfishness.