Ham Radio

Weather Station Installed

[Yesterday’s run: 4 miles including 100 meter repeats]

[Today’s run: 7 miles hot and humid]

Today we took the weather station parts over to Starkville.  I was concerned that digging the hole for the post was going to take a long time.  But overnight rains helped a lot and my father-in-law had the hole nearly done before I even arrived on the scene of work.

We set the post, then worked on getting the wifi configured.  That took a while.

Then we got equipment box, the solar panel, and the weather station unit all mounted.

Finally, we worked on the wview software configuration.

Since arriving at home I discovered one more thing that needs to be done in order to allow the data to be uploaded to an internet site.  Eventually it should appear at

Very gratifying to have that up and running.