
Today’s Run:  Rest day~again!

I have learned something over the course of this cold I have had.  Breathing is a luxury!

I came down with a cold, actually I caught it from my husband, on Christmas Day.  We were over doing the gift exchange at my parents house when, Bam!  there it was!  My throat was sore, my eyes itchy and my nose was stuffy as well as my ears.  I had a doozie.

So, ever since Tuesday, I have done absolutely nothing!  Well, almost nothing.  Thursday I went to the gym and lifted for an hour~desperate in the idea that I might be able to exercise the cold away.  Nope.  Did not work.  All it did was make me tired and more achy.  That idea was a bust.

Every since the gym fiasco, I have laid pretty low.  Made a meal here and there. Let the dog in and out, fed the cat (and the dog), I could not do the laundry because, if you remember yesterday’s post, the dryer is broken.  I did not even sweep the floors or anything!

Why am I being so well behaved!?!  Well, I have a race next Saturday and I have been training for it since November. It would be a shame to miss the race after all of that training. It is a half marathon-HM (we have talked about it before in this blog).  A HM, to refresh your memory, is 13.1 miles and there is no way I can run that far with a cold!  So~I have been “good”.  I have let people peel me grapes, as it were, and I have lived the life of an invalid. For three days.

Then, about an hour ago, a wonderful thing happened. I discovered that I could breathe through my nose again!  Oh joy~Oh rapture!  This was good news!!!  As long as this does not decide to go into my chest (and my husband’s cold did not)  I should be good for next Saturday’s race.  Cross your fingers and wish me well!!!