
Today is going to be a look back and remember when post.

The thing that started this off was seeing the Red Bud trees in bloom.  Now, I know these trees bloom every spring and every spring MFH and I have the same conversation.  ” Why do they call them Red Bud Trees when the buds are obviously purple?”  Then the memories start flooding back.



When I was a little girl, back in the mid 1960’s (yes, I am that old!) I had a swing set.  This swing set was placed underneath an old Red Bud Tree,  I loved that tree!


The bark fascinated me!  It looked like lots of little puzzle pieces and when it chipped off the tree, I would spend countless hours trying to put the puzzle pieces back together.



Now, my swing set was a metal, kind of A frame swing set (remember, this was the 1960’s).  I would sit on the middle line of the “A” and do twirls, etc. I also liked to use that middle bar of the “A” to launch myself into the Red Bud tree.

That particular activity was frowned upon by my mother.

What she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her, right?

Well, one day I launched myself from the middle bar of the “A” into the Red Bud Tree.  I misjudged the distance and did a rather impressive face plant into that tree!  Scraped my face up something awful!

I went crying into the house where my mom patched me up.  As soon as I was cleaned up, she sent me back outdoors to play….after a stern lecture on obedience. *sigh* A mother’s job is never done.

I’m guessing she wasn’t too terribly surprised when this happened seeing as the kitchen window looked out over the swing set and tree. LOL!!!

The next memory is from High School.  This is a good one!

MFH (My Favorite Husband) and I have been together pretty much since the first day of 8th grade…that would be the fall of 1975.  It’s my opinion that if you can stay with a person through those terrible middle school years~well, you’ve definitely seen a person at their worst!

Well, during high school, Hall and Oates released the song, “Your Kiss Is On My List.”  I’m not sure what year  it was released but it was a moderate hit.

Back then, you could by a little vinyl single of top 40 hits so you could listen to them without having to suffer through the rest of an awful album.  MFH bought the single of that song and mailed it to me through the good ol’ USPS.

It arrived at the house in great shape!

Now for some reason that I can’t remember, my mom opened that package and she hit the roof!  She read the title of that little vinyl and that was it!  (sorry for sharing this one mom~it’s pretty funny when you think back on it!)

I don’t think I’ve ever seen her that mad!!!

She immediately snapped the single in half…before I even got to listen to it!  I was a very Unhappy Panda!

These days whenever MFH and I heard this song on an oldies station, we crank up the volume and giggle like high school kids again.  😉

So, no blog about running today.  Just a little fun thinking back to some fun times.
