Me? Panic?

On a whim, I pulled up the site for this Saturday’s 50 Mile race.  I don’t have a “goal time” for this race.  My goal is to finish before they shut off the clock.  They give us 12 hrs in which to cover the 50 Miles.  I know pretty much what pace I need to maintain to do this.

I had gotten it into my head to look at past years race results to see what other women my age had completed this distance on this course.  What I found scared the living daylights out of me!


What!?!  This must be a mistake!

Finally three years back I found a woman 51 who completed it in 11:45.  Yikes!  I’m three years older than her!  What have I gotten myself into???

I kept on looking, though, and finally (finally!) I found a woman who was 60 who had successfully completed this race in the allotted time.

I’m okay with that.  She was 6 years older than I am right now and did it.  If she can do it, so can I.

Let’s do this!!!




