Tonight kicks off a new season of college football.

Each year for Christmas, my parents, my sister and I go in together and get MFH (My Favorite Husband) season tickets to all the home Mississippi State University (MSU) football games.  He seems to enjoy going to the games.  This means that I have to like football.  Kinda.

#1 Son is a student at MSU also.  This means I have to like MSU football even more.

I like football!  I really do.  Of all the team sports out there, I would say that football is the most interesting.  Baseball…really, really boring.  Basketball?  The shoes squeak too much.  Distracting.  Ice Hockey~in Mississippi!?!  You’re joking, right?  HA!

When I was a little girl, I was fascinated by football players.  I would study them intently when my Dad was watching on the television.  I could never figure out where they found so many guys with such HUGE shoulders!  I never saw people like that in real life.  I did not know, at the time, that they players wore padding.  Duh.

Now that we live in the South, we are in SEC territory.  For the next few months, people will be RABID about football.  High school football, college football, pro football.  Football.  Football. Football…

There will be lots of HAIL STATE vs ROLL TIDE where I live.   MSU is 30 minutes from my house.  Alabama (The Crimson Tide) is one hour from where I live.  One must choose sides carefully.

Seeing as my sister, BIL (He’s a nuclear physicist at MSU) both work at State, #1 Son attends State and MFH has season tickets to State football…I guess I’d better go with the flow…HAIL STATE!!!

Kick off is tonight at 6:45 PM.  Get It!