Trying Out Of The Hoka’s

Today’s Run:  6.14 miles

The last two days I have been trying out my brand new running shoes.  My Hoka’s.

This has been a rather traumatic thing for me to do, to switch running shoe brands.  You develop a loyalty to a brand/manufacturer and it is difficult to switch.  I did just that.

I told you a few days ago about the disintegration of my last pair of Brooks Adrenaline GTS 13’s.  They lasted exactly 120 miles.  The soles were GONE.  They just wore off!  That should not be.

With all the running I have been doing, I get 250-300 miles out of a pair of shoes.  I rotate my shoes, 2-3 pair going at one time.  That get’s a little expensive and then to only get 120 miles out of one pair.  That is when it is time to pull the plug.

I had heard of Hoka’s before.  I had heard good things about them.  Very. Good. Things.  I had also heard horror stories about them, too.  Very, Bad. Stories. Needless to say, when I stepped out my door yesterday morning for my first run with these shoes, It was with more than a little trepidation!

I love these shoes!!!  I really, really do!  I wish I could say they help me run faster but that would be stretching it by a lot.  But for the first time, my tender left foot, the one that always cries when I put my running shoes on, is happy!  Happy Feet!

I do not know what they do to make these shoes special but there is something to them.  My first few steps felt like I was running on marshmallows.  Pretty cushiony.  But that marshmallow feeling goes away fast.

My unhappy left knee has not complained once!  Like I said earilier, my left foot, the one that is a crybaby, is content.  The entire left side of my body (which is generally unhappy) is not grumbling at all.  I love these shoes!

I guess the Brooks were bad shoes for me?  I was fitted for them.  More than once, I was fitted for those shoes.  Who knows~but I seriously doubt I will ever go back to the Brooks.

Here is a link about the Hoka’s.  Some guy took one of his retired pair and cut them in half.  He wanted to see what made them “tick.”  Interesting read.