“Sterilizing The House”

Today’s Run:  Rest Day

Today is an official rest day from running.  Instead of resting, I am “sterilizing” my house.

“Sterilizing the house” is a term MFH (My Favorite Husband) endearingly coined when we were first married (28+ years ago).

See, when I have company coming over for a special occasion, ie:  Thanksgiving, I go on this cleaning spree.  Short of being the widow looking for her mite (N.T. Bible story) and turning the house upside down, I clean pretty thoroughly.

I have been scrubbing, dusting, doing laundry, three loads of dishes (I have been doing a bit of cooking, too), etc. etc. etc…

Why am I doing all of this today?  Thanksgiving is not until Thursday!

I know all of that.  It is just with this crazy training schedule I have for the Ultra for which I am training, tomorrow and Thanksgiving Day are HUGE running days for me.  18 milers.  I HAVE to have my “ducks in a row” now. I will be too pooped to do it tomorrow and I sure cannot do it on Thursday, right!?

Time’s a wastin’!

So, here is to planning ahead.

Here is to having a list…checking it twice…

Seriously though, who has their Thanksgiving morning planned? I will be doing an 18 mile training run, put the bird in the oven then prepare for 10 guests. It’ll be a busy day but a fun day with family.

Wishing you all the best as the Holiday season gets into full swing!