An Alexander Day

Today’s Run 4.22 miles


There is this children’s book~Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.  In our family, we take part of the title to describe when we are having a bad/off day.  Today is that day.  Today I am having an Alexander day.

In this book, the primary character, Alexander, knows from the git-go that he is going to have a bad day.  His solution?  Move to Australia.  Maybe that is what I should do.

Here is how the day begins for Alexander:

Alexander knew it was going to be a terrible day when he woke up with gum in this hair.
And it got worse…
His best friend deserted him. There was no dessert in his lunch bag. And, on top of all that, there were Lima beans for dinner and kissing on TV!


My day started out great!  My husband and I had breakfast together and went on a run.  Perfect start to a sunny, 75 F. October day!  Who could ask for anything more?  Things deteriorated from there.

We went out for our annual flu shots.  Not a highlight of anybody’s day but livewithable (live-with-able).  When we came out from getting our shots, we found that somebody had backed into our Honda Accord and put a lovely dent in the hood and taken away a lot of the paint as a souvenir.  Boo.

We called 911 and a very nice, very young (why is it that people in authority positions are starting to look younger and younger?  I am most certainally not getting any older!) policeman came and wrote a report and left.

We went to the co-op and bought chicken feed, dog food and cat food.

After errands we came home and I got ready to mow.  First I checked on Jeff.  Jeff is one of my hens.  She lays green colored eggs and she was looking under the weather this morning.  Jeff was in a nesting box all fluffy.  I thought that when I was done mowing, I would put her in an isolation cage in the house.

So, I mowed.  For three hours.

Since I was all done mowing I went to check on the chickens.  One egg!  Not a green one.  That is because Jeff was belly up and stiff.  She must have passed away as soon as I left her to begin my mowing.  Rats!  My husband is taking care of her as I type.

Hopefully, dinner will be a success.

I must admit to being a little blue.  My arm is sore from the shot.  My car has a big dent in it and my chicken is de-ceased.  I think I will move to Australia.

At least we had an awesome run, right!?!       🙂