RIP Garmin FR 305 (Well Almost)

Today’s Run:  5.50 miles

My Garmin is on its last leg.  This makes me sad.

They do not make the model of Garmin that I have been using and using and using…anymore.  This presents a dilemma.

I have grown accustomed to all the bells and whistles the 305 has to offer.  Unfortunately, all the newer models do NOT have the exact combinations of the 305.  Boo.  Bigger and better is not always what it is cracked up to be.

So, I have been shopping.

There are some pretty fancy Garmin’s out there!  Some of those fancy Garmin’s have a pretty hefty price tag, too!  They can hit you for $500 and up!!!  Holy Cow!!!  Fortunately, I do not have THAT expensive of a taste.  I know what I want, thank you very much, and I know what I do not need/want.  Again, thank you very much.

There are some relatively inexpensive Garmin’s out there, say the FR 110.  That only has a battery life of 4 hours.  Not long enough.  There is the 310.  Too expensive.  I think I have settled on the 210.

Good grief!  This is like Goldilocks and the Three Bears!

Yes~I have contacted Customer Support etc…not too terribly helpful.  Not this time, anyway.  They have been great in the past!  Just not this time.  I am kind of on my own for this.

Seeing as I am smack dab in the middle of marathon training, a Garmin would be a very helpful training tool.  I have asked for a new one for Christmas, but I think I will have to replace the FR 305 WAY before Christmas.   Like this week!

So, I may have to do my 18 miler Saturday sans data.  Horror!  I will have to look at a clock and remember what time I began.  Look at the clock and see what time I finished and do the math.  No split time, no lap notifications, no heart rate notifications…how ever did people run before Garmin???