Monthly Archives: October 2017


A few weeks back, #1 Son, Alice the Puppy and Charles the Kitten came for a weekend visit.  Alice is full of energy and Charles is…..a stinker!

It was fun having them here.  It was especially fun having #1 Son here with them!


Now, Kali and Castro don’t like it much when Alice and Charles come to visit.  Well, they don’t like it at all!!!

Kali saw me loving on Charles and that was the last straw as far as she was concerned.  She was super duper angry!  She ran away for the entire weekend and wouldn’t come home until 3 days after #1 Son, Charles and Alice had gone home.


Kali finally came home but wouldn’t speak to me.  She came into the house only to eat and then would leave for the rest of the day.  She wouldn’t let me pet her.  She refused to purr and she’s a big purr-er!

I was sad.  I had let her down.  I had been a bad kitty mama.


Yesterday morning I went to let Paxton outdoors to do his “good-boy.”  He had eaten his breakfast and needed to visit the grass.

I opened the front door and looked down at the welcome mat.  There waiting for me was a “present!”  It *had* been a cute baby bunny.


Bear in mind it wasn’t a cute baby bunny any more but it’s the thought that counts, right?

That day, Kali was her lovable self again!

She’s been sleeping on top of my tummy all night.  She’s been purring up a storm.  She’s been asking for her kitty treats and sticking around all day.

I’ve been forgiven.


On the running note:

Only three more weeks until it’s taper time!  YAY!!!!  I’m a very tired runner.  Still 3 weeks of BIG miles but we’ll grind out as many of those miles as we can.


I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Let’s run this thing!!!

