Monthly Archives: July 2016


My new running coach started me on some new (to me) speed work.  Running 400 meter (400m) repeats.  A lot of people have run these in the past but somehow I’ve managed to avoid them.

Not anymore.

This past Saturday morning, I had a 400m workout to do.

Usually people do these on a track.  Seeing as I do not have access to a track, I needed to do them on my street.

I’ll be honest, I really didn’t have a clue as to how far 400m would be.  I didn’t want to cheat myself out of my workout so MFH (My Favorite Husband) and I set to work Friday evening to mark out the 400m.

We had a super long tape measure for starters.  MFH had one end of the tape measure and I had the other.


He would walk as far as the tape measure would let him and then spray paint a green line on the road.


Now, that tape measure is L.O.N.G. so silly me thought, “Easy, Peasy!  We measure off the tape measure 4 times and we’re good to go!”  I was so very, very wrong!

We had to measure that tape measure 13 times to get our 400m!!!  *we had to add a little bit extra on the last to equal the 400m.  That’s a long way!

All I can say is it is a very good thing we live in the country.  I don’t know how many neighborhoods would let you walk along and spray paint 13 green lines on the street!

Saturday morning, I hopped out of bed all set to run those repeats.  I had very specific instructions as to what I was supposed to do:

” Warm up – Easy jog for 10-15min Plyometrics 4×100 Striders w/ 100 recovery jog in between Interval set: -5×400 @ 10K pace w/ 2min recovery and 5min recovery after #5 -4×400 @ 10K pace w/ 2min recovery and 5min after #4 -3×400 @ 10K pace w/ 2min recovery and 5min after #3 -2×400 @ 10K pace w/ 2min recovery and 5min after #2 -1×400 finishing it up fast Cool down for 1 mile.”

No worries, right?

Got it all done.  It ended up being 8.14 miles of 400m repeats.  This kids was toast!   What a fun workout!  I have to say, though, by the end, this green line sure was a sight for sore eyes.








