Monthly Archives: March 2016

Elections/Voting and of course, Paxton

I don’t discuss/argue politics.  I just don’t do it.  Yes, I vote BUT I don’t broadcast that I voted and/or who I voted for.

I’m sure, if you are like most Americans (assuming you’re from the US and reading this blog) you might look at going to the polls and voting as a pain in the patoot.  If the weather is bad or you see yourself as just too busy, you might just pass on your right to vote.

With all of this in mind, I want to introduce you to a friend of mine.  He is originally from India but immigrated to the States a ways back.  Became a legalized citizen.  Got a job and is raising a family.  He is a nice guy.

Today, for the first time since gaining his citizenship, he was able to vote.  I stumbled on his FB post a little while ago and it was a breath of fresh air.  We shouldn’t look at voting as a pain, we should recognize it for a tremendous opportunity that so many people around the globe do not have.  I am going to share that post…minus names *privacy and all that*

“Wooohooooo I voted in United States of America wow wow still cannot believe this but was a little more than surprised that the ballot itself wasn’t electronic. Now I can say I voted in the first and second biggest democracies in this world not that it matters but feels good to say that Hahahha.  Happy Voting in this greatest country on earth!”

On a completely different note:

Paxton got mail again today!  Did I get any mail?  NO.  Did MFH (My Favorite Husband)?  NO.  Just Paxton.  Our dog.

He received not one but TWO Mississippi State University Bow Ties in the mail.  One tie is for everyday wear.  The other tie is for “special occasions.”

He is feeling pretty spiffy!!!




Goofy dog!




