Monthly Archives: February 2015

Ankle Biter

Another day, another run. HA!

Tomorrow, I am scheduled for a 10 miler.  It is supposed to be my last double digit run before my Ultra on March 7th.  Seeing as we are supposed to get 3-4″ of snow in Mississippi this evening, I decided to do the 10 miles today instead of sliding all over the place tomorrow.

Sure hope that was a good idea.

I decided to keep today’s 10 pretty close to the house.  We had a guy coming over about our radio station, and just in case he came early, I wanted to be able to head home ASAP.

Turning from our street onto Evans Road, about a mile from our house is a street called Subdivision Rd.  I think they were going to try to develop that into a real subdivision but only got as far as that one street.  Funny, that.

On the corner of subdivision is a nice little brick house with a brand new white privacy fence.  They had the fence installed this summer by Lowe’s.  I know this because I ran past that house a zillion times last summer while the Lowe’s guys were working on it.  It took three days to complete the fence installation.

That house recently got a new dog.  It is a teeny tiny little thing and as I learned this morning, it can slide right underneath that brand new fence.

I was running west on Evans  when that itty bitty dog came bounding out of the yard. Bow-wow-wow!  It came right at me and was determined to take a bite out of whatever part of me it could reach (which would be my ankles).


I had to stop and have a stern word with the little dog.

I had my pepper spray and would have used it but shaking my finger at the dog and using angry sounding words seemed to keep an attack at bay.

Once the dog seemed to calm down, it then decided that I was its new best  friend.

Jump!  Jump!  Jump!

“Let’s play!” it said.

“Down!” I said.  “Stay!”  and tried to continue on my run.

The little dog thought that going for a run sounded like fun, too, so it started to run with me.  It ran around my feet and I was tripping over it.


I was afraid I would step on it.  If that happened, that dog would be toast.

This just would not do.

I called MFH.  I was only about a mile from the house after all.

MFH came over to the house and entertained the dog until I could make my escape.

MFH.  My hero!

I think I’m probably going to have to end up talking to the neighbors about their dog.  I did knock on their dog and nobody was home…

Here is a pic of the little ankle biter.
