Monthly Archives: February 2015

Race Dreams

It’s that time again.  It started about a week ago and last night, well, I took action this morning.

I am having race dreams.  Race nightmares, really.

I haven’t had race dreams for a couple of races now, so I kind of forgot that I would get them.

When I ran the Chicago Marathon last October, I didn’t get any and when I ran my marathon on Valentine’s Day, I didn’t get any then, either.  Seeing as my 50K is in 8 days, I’ve been getting them fast and furious.

In Mississippi, you are required to carry water/sports drink with you on all Ultra’s.  The weather changes so dramatically with the heat/humidity (or cold/wet), they cover all their bases and tell you that you must carry something with you.  So…

Two nights ago, I had a dream that I got to the starting line and had forgotten to pack my handheld.  I have a very nice Nathan handheld.  I really like it.  It straps to my wrist and has a pouch that will hold a cell phone (probably not the new iPhone 6.  HA!).  I don’t use it for my phone.  I toss a few gels in the pouch and go.

Because I did not have a handheld or a hydration pack, they would not let me run.  This was not good.  DNS due to poor planning on my part.

I remembered this dream and when I got up this morning after having another race dream last night, I immediately packed my handheld.  Problem solved.

Last nights dream…what a mess.  Let’s backtrack just a little bit.

The course for the Ultra is three loops.  Two big loops that will add up to 25 miles and then a small loop that will complete the 50K distance.  You run the big loop twice and then do the small loop.

In my dream, somehow, I began the race before everybody else.  Don’t ask me why, I just did.  The race officials found out and when I completed the first loop, they pulled me aside.  They said they would not disqualify me if I ran the big loop THREE times instead of just two before I did the small loop.


I did a lot of running in my sleep last night.   🙂

Note to self:  Do NOT begin race before everybody else.  Do NOT forget handheld.

Hopefully, I don’t mess up on the race tonight.  What else could go wrong?  Yikes!  Lots!

Here is the link for the race, if you’re interested.  There is a lot of water to cross.  We’ve been having very wet weather and the extended forecast calls for rain up until next Friday.  The water will be high.  I’m mostly apprehensive about that.  Anyway, here’s the link.  Should be fun!   🙂