Monthly Archives: July 2014

Back On The Horse

So, the Big Race was on Saturday.  What have I been doing since Saturday?

Well, immediately after the race, MFH (My Favorite Husband) and I had a three hour drive to get home. By the time we reached our house, rigor mortis had definitely set in.  I thought that MFH was going to have to pry me out of the car and carry me into the house.  Wow! I was stiff!

Sunday was church day.  I was surprised that I was not super duper achy!

After last Fall’s Marathon, I could barely walk for about four days.  It was awful! Sunday morning, if I was careful, I could walk kind of normal.  Not too bad, I though!  After church, though, I parked my rumpatootis at home and did not do much of anything.

Same for yesterday.

I did a ton of laundry and some minor housework and cooking.  You know, regular stuff.  As far as doing anything major or walking the dog or anything even remotely exercising?  Nope.  I was having no part of it.  Not so much because I was super sore, I was just tired.

Then, this morning.

I woke up all bright eyed and bushy tailed.  We had a cool front go through during the night and it was sunny and only 73F!  I couldn’t let a morning like that go to waste.  So….

I had my usual breakfast of grits and coffee.  Fed the chickens.  The bunny.  The cats.  The dog.  And of course, MFH!  Then I thought, “I’m going to do it!”

So, I went and changed into my running clothes and headed on out the door.  I got back on that horse and ran!  What a great run it was, too!

Thoroughly expecting to be stiff and slow, things felt easy!  I wasn’t any speedy creature, but y’all know me for the slow poke I am.  I was quicker than I expected to be, though.  I didn’t push to go fast, I just ran for the pure joy of running.

Perfect start to a great day!!!