Monthly Archives: June 2014

The Tempertantrum

Paxton, my dog, just threw a humdinger of a tempertantrum.  It was a doozie!

Paxton is kind of but not officially on a doggie diet.  He weighed in last week at the Vet’s office at a whopping 130 pounds.  He is a tall dog, but tall or not, that is too much weight for a Boxer.

Paxton is on antibiotics and I am hiding them in those small cans of cat food.  He takes three pretty good sized pills two times a day.  Cat food is fattening so all he is getting is the two cans of cat food a day with his pills.  He is hungry.  Poor puppy!

Here’s what happened:

Loki, the bunny, snuck out of the solarium.  That is the room where he can hop around to his little hearts delight.  There are no electrical cords there for him to chew.  We put up a baby gate so he cannot get into the rest of the house.  That silly rabbit figured out how to get around the baby gate.

I found Loki hopping around the living room.  He was having a great time~that is, until he noticed that I saw him.  He stopped mid hop and turned for the solarium.  Then he changed his mind!  He started hopping towards me.  His ears were held high.  He had on his, “I’m so happy so see you!” bunny face.  He was, quite simply, trying to worm his way into not being in trouble.  He was BUSTED and he knew it!

Paxton is jealous of Loki.  I think it is because Loki likes me to hold him and cuddle him.  Paxton would like to do that, too, but he is just too big!

Don’t get me wrong!  I play with Paxton a lot!  We go for walks, we talk to each other.  We play games with his traffic cone and old shoes.  Paxton is not hurting for attention but I think he feels threatened by that rabbit somehow.

Anyway, I went over and swooped up Loki.  I said, “You silly rabbit!  What are you doing out here!?”   Loki wiggled his nose and tried to look cute.  That is when Paxton noticed that I was holding Loki and we were NOT in the solarium and he could reach both of us!  (Paxton is afraid of going into the solarium.  Not sure why.)

Loki was scared and Paxton was determined.  Loki wanted to bolt and I knew that if he did, I would get scratched to smithereens.  I called MFH (My Favorite Husband).  “Help!”

MFH, of course, came right away.  He was muttering something about “…too many animals…” but he led the dog away.

I put Loki back into the solarium.  As soon as I closed the baby gate, there was Paxton.  That’s when he lost it.


And he meant every. single. word. of it!

This is what he said. “You love that rabbit more than you love me!  You hold him.  You don’t hold me!  You think he’s cute~but what about me!?!  AND~~~I’M HUNGRY!!!  Poor dog.

He got a puppy treat and now all’s well.    🙂