Monthly Archives: April 2014

NSV and Weather

The NSV (Non-Scale Victory) and the weather are not related in any way, shape or form.  I just wanted to share both of them with you.

First off, the NSV.

About 6 weeks ago, I purchased a new pair of dress pants to wear to church.  I bought them from The Loft.  The Loft is a nice store with a petite department. That is nice because I hate wearing pants with an inseam that goes down to my knees.  It is uncomfortable.  They have nice shirts and blouses, too.  They are cut a bit shorter for vertically challenged people like myself.  I like getting my clothing from there.

Anyway, I bought a pair of dress pants.  They were $75.00.  I was not happy about paying that much but seeing as I have been in a size 4 for over a year now, I felt it was a safe bet to pay that much.  I brought them home and asked my sister to hem them for me.  The inseam was great, the length was not.  (I am only 4’11”).  She agreed to hem them.  I finally got the pants to her after about a month~I procrastinated~she hemmed them and had them back to me within a week.  Super!

I went to get dressed this morning for church and pulled out those pants.  I put them on and guess what!?!  They are too big now!  Cool beans!!!  I am almost a size 1 now.  I think a two would still be a bit too big judging from how the 4’s fit.  I will continue to wear the 4’s because MFH (My Favorite Husband) would not be happy if I spent that much on a pair of pants and then never wore them.  So, that is my NSV.

The weather is here.  The weather I was telling you about yesterday.

I tried to get an 8 mile run in this morning before church.  It was warm and muggy but I thought I could squeeze an eight miler in real quick.  I let MFH know I was leaving and my route and took off.

I made it to the turn around at 4 miles.  It started to rain.  A little rain never hurt anybody.  I kept on running.  Then I heard thunder.  I did not actually see any lightening but I began to pay attention to what was happening with the weather.

I came up parallel to the cotton fields and all of a sudden, probably a half mile away, cloud to ground lightening.  Then Ka-Boom!

Hmmmm….that was a little close for comfort.  I pulled my phone out of my SpiBelt and called home.

No Answer.

This was not good.

I called MFH’s cell phone.

No Answer.

I was upset.  Why would not he answer the phone???

I decided to keep on running up to where I turned to go South and try to call again.  That was only a mile away.

I had reached mile 6 of my scheduled 8 miler when in the distance I saw headlights.  I kept on running but kept my eyes on those headlights.  They looked familiar.

I could tell it was a pick up truck.  It sure looked like our pick up truck.  It was!!!  MFH had been keeping an eye on the weather, too!  He knew that it was turning bad, fast, and came out to get me.  That is why he did not answer the house phone.  He was not home.  He was coming to rescue me.  Is not that sweet?  As for not answering his cell?  He forgot to bring it with him. It was still at home.

He pulled over to the side of the road.  I hopped in and we took off for home.  By the time we got got home (we only had to drive two miles) the sky let loose.  It was pouring buckets and it was thundering like crazy.  Perfect timing!