Monthly Archives: March 2014

It is Breezy!

Ran the Frontage Road with my “buddy” this morning.  We were supposed to run the Frontage Road yesterday but that was not meant to be.  Due to the days delay in our run, she was unable to do the entire run with me.

With every intention of finishing the run when I came home, well,
the best laid plans of mice and men”…It did not happen.

See, my son was supposed to begin a new job today.  That meant he wanted me to make sure he was up by 4:30 am.  I set my alarm and woke him up and fixed breakfast.  He took off for his new job and I fiddled around the house for a few hours before it was time to be off for my run.

My friend met me at the gas station and we set off along that Frontage Road.  Boy, was it windy!  We were getting blown all over the place and the traffic was brisk, too.

On the shoulder of the road, back on the asphalt, back on the shoulder….the drivers this morning were distracted.  Coffee in one hand, phone in the other.  I am not sure how they were steering.  We had to be on our toes.

We got to the turn around and headed back.  The wind had been pushing us pretty hard on the way out and on the way back, we, of course, were running straight into it.  Wow!  That was tough work!

Finally, we made it back to the gas station, feeling rather pleased with ourselves.  We had run a nine minute mile!!!  Averaged 10 minute miles for most of the run.  Kudos to us!!!  We were beat.  That wind was brutal.

Anyway, we parted ways and I drove home with every intention of finishing that run.  My husband took one look at me and told me to go back to bed.  I did not argue.  I just now got up.  The wind is stronger now than it was earlier and I just do not have it in me to face that wind again.

Call me a sissy.

So, tomorrow, I will make up the difference with what I was supposed to run today and tomorrows run.  Those miles are not going to run themselves, you know!  I am getting old.  Naw~ that cannot be it    🙂