Monthly Archives: December 2013


Today’s Run:  2 miles

This morning MFH (My Favorite Husband) and I headed out the door for an early Sunday morning run.  It was a lovely morning.  The sun was shining (still is!), light breeze and 42 F.  Perfect, absolutely perfect, running weather.

The problem lay in that the past couple of days, the quad on my left leg has been “unhappy.”

Yesterday, when we ran with the running group, I was really feeling it and almost turned back but kind of ran my way through the discomfort.  Today, when I started running, I was dragging my left leg a little bit and then started to compensate with my right leg.  That spells disaster.  That spells injury.

I stopped my run.

I came home.

I foam rolled.  Again.

Advil has been my friend since last Wednesday when I ran my 24 miler.  I thought it was just 24 miles and then 10 more the following day.  That may be the case, too.  This morning, though, Advil was not helping and I was dragging my foot and I just called it a day.

Tomorrow I will try again.

I would like to make up my lost miles from today on tomorrow’s run plus do tomorrow’s run.  Only time will tell.  Rest.  Ice.  Compression.  Elevation.  Advil.  Foam Roller…and repeat…

Hopefully, it is just a kink in the works and I can foam roll it out.  I am telling myself that is what it is.

I have a race on Wednesday and I have to run the distance of a full marathon (26.2 miles) on Thursday.  I will do whatever it takes to be able to complete those two runs.  If that means taking tomorrow off, too, then so be it.

It is getting to be crunch time for this Ultra training.  The miles I need to put in are important ones, not just “filler” miles.  They are there for a purpose…to help me slog through the 50 mile race.  The race is two months from Wednesday.  60 days.  Not very far away…Keep your fingers crossed!