Monthly Archives: November 2013

It’s Working!

Today’s Run:  8 miles

Last week I mentioned to you that our gas fireplace was on the blink.  We heat our home with the gas fireplace and it was beginning to get a tad chilly in the house.

My husband had tried replacing the ignition.  The original ignition aka: Sparker did not spark so he was pretty sure that was the source of our troubles.

The new “Sparker” sparks great!  Wow~Can we start a fire with that thing.  The new problem was, the fire would not stay lit.  It would go out almost immediately. Hmmm…this would not do.

Enter record breaking lows in Mississippi and a non-functioning fireplace.  This was motivation!

After a failed trip to Lowe’s for a replacement thermo coupler we came home defeated.

Not being completed without hope, MFH (My Favorite Husband) completely disassembled the fireplace and discovered something encouraging!  The replacement thermo coupler would not have solved the problem anyway!  Well, that was a relief.

He went online and ordered a new pilot assembly.  Apparently, the old one was shot.  Dead in the water.  THAT is why we did not have a warm house in the middle of a cold spell.

The new pilot assembly arrived in the mail late yesterday.  Let’s hear it for USPS!  It was easy to install and we now have heat!  YAY!  It is a toasty warm 72 F in my house right now.  We are living in the lap of luxury here in good ol’ Mississippi.  Life is good and I am Thankful.