Monthly Archives: September 2013

Today, I Ran And Ran And Ran…

Today’s Run 23.13 miles

Today we ran and ran and ran and then we ran some more.  We (my husband and I) ran for a grand total of 5 hours and 13 minutes.  That is a very, very, very long time to run.

I made a mistake from the start.  I wore an old pair of running shoes.  BAD IDEA.

I have one “New” pair of running shoes~the shoes I intend to wear for our upcoming marathon in 21 days.  I did not want to wear them out, so to speak on today’s last long training run, so I elected to wear an older pair.  Silly me.

The tread on the bottom of the left foot on those shoes is completely gone now.

We ran on a rather rough road surface for about 10 miles.  It was very hard on the feet and it totally destroyed what was left of that pair of shoes.  Lesson learned.

My husband, bless his heart, said they were not fit to be worn again and had me order another new pair for the race.  We still have quite a few training miles to do before race day so I can wear my older “new pair” the pair I should have worn today and still make sure the new “new pair” will work for the race.

But the run today was AWESOME!!!

We started out at 4:30 am.  The sky was clear.  The stars were bright.  We had the road to ourselves.  It was wonderful!  We used the LED flashlights I told you about last week again this morning…they work great!

The daylight was approaching around 6:00 and was full dawn by 6:30.  Not a cloud in the sky.  Beautiful running weather.  When we started our run at 4:30 it was 62 F. and when we finished 5 hours later, it was 71 F.  It was getting a little uncomfortable there at the end.

A creepy story for you regarding being warm.  We were in direct sunlight for the last 5 miles of our run today so I elected to run in my shorts and sports bra.  Nothing out of the ordinary about that.  Well, we had about 2 miles left to go when this mini van started driving right at me very, very, very slow.  When it was close enough, I saw that there was this guy driving the van and he was using his phone to video me running!  How creepy is that!?!  I thought uncharitable thoughts about that guy, to say the least.

BUT, we made it back to the meeting house where the running group gathers.  Everybody else ran 15 miles today.  We were the ones with the uber long run.  They all greeted us with congratulations and were happy for us.  They also said to keep moving or else we would stiffen up.

We had a 45 minute drive to get home.  We stiffened up.  Oh well…      🙂

It was a lovely, lovely, lovely run today.  Loved every minute of it (except for the creepy guy part).  Really looking forward to the race and finally feel like maybe I can pull this thing off!

October 20, 2013.  Mount Desert Island Marathon.  Bar Harbor, Maine.