Monthly Archives: November 2012


Today’s Run:  50 min lifting at the “Y”

Paxton is my dog.  He is a Boxer and he is a doofus.

When we get storms roll through, you can bet that Paxton will be there~under the desk, hiding.  When it is time to go to bed, Paxton will be there waiting to sleep on the extra pillows that I toss to the floor.  When Grandpa P or my son come over, Paxton is there to greet and to play.

Paxton is “Mr. Enthusiasm”.

When we recently had some concrete poured out back, Paxton was there to guard and protect.

He believes that all brooms must die.  He believes that shoes are a part of the food pyramid.  He does NOT believe in eating dog food~that is for dogs!

His primary purpose for existence is to be there to lick the plates after meals.

Paxton is a good dog.  Good boy, Paxton!