Category Archives: chickens

Animal Updates

Right after the animals moved to their new home, I posted an update on how they were adjusting.  I had posted it rather late in the day, so I think a lot of people missed it seeing as I have had questions pertaining to it.  So, I am going to copy and past that blog post again.  It should answer questions about the animals.

I do miss the chickens.  A lot!  The bunny, not so much.  Having a rabbit living in your kitchen is not ideal.  He was sweet and cute and everything but if I had been picking out a pet, that would not have been my first choice.  Loki, the bunny, belonged to #1 Son, and then got passed on to me.  I tried very hard to spoil him and love him.  I tried not to show favorites.  You know, loving on Paxton or the cats more than Loki…Here is the blog post:

My Last Chicken Story

My cell phone rang just a little while ago.  It was the lady who took all of my chickens and the bunny, Loki, to live at her house.  She has 6 children, a husband and lots of other chickens.  She took my chickens to add on to her flock.  She took Loki because they had babysat another bunny and decided that they would like one of their own.

Chatty Cathy, my spoiled baby chicken has been a huge hit!  She is spoiled beyond words, but you already knew that.  She has grown a bunch more already and is out in the coop with all the big chickens now.

All of my other hens have adapted well to their surroundings.  They have made friends with all the other hens.  No squabbling or anything at all.  This makes me happy because they really are sweet girls.

Loki, the bunny, “Has the entire family wrapped around his little paw.” she said.  This does not surprise me in the least.  He is a ladies man, that bunny.  He looks at you with those big, dark eyes and wiggles his cute little bunny nose and your heart just melts.  Who cares if he has destroyed the woodwork in the back room from all of his chewing and nibbling?  He’s a cute and fuzzy termite.

Peter?  Well, I kind of warned her about Peter.

Peter has a Jekyll and Hyde personality.  Peter and I had an understanding.  He knew better than to give me grief.  If MFH (My Favorite Husband) or #1 son came anywhere near him, he would go into attack mode.  I really didn’t know how he would do in a new place.

The lady that took all of the animals already had three roosters.  These roosters were best friends.  They got along great.  Peter, being the new guy, decided to play it tough and picked fights.  The other roosters did not like him.  Peter was not doing well…at all.

Like I said, I had warned her about Peter.  I told her that my feeling would not be hurt if she found it necessary to do something about him.

They had chicken sandwiches for dinner tonight.

Poor Peter.