car project Ham Radio home repair

Provisional goodbye

[Today’s run: Rose Garden route in Starkville, 6.8 miles]

I put the MG Midget up for sale in Facebook Marketplace today and I’m supposed to have a guy coming tomorrow to haul it away.

I had done some digging into the engine and there is maybe some very slight possibility that it could some day run. But it is beyond me and time for it to move along to someone else.

Someday maybe we will see another car project, but not for now.

I’m a little bit down about my projects. I haven’t done any ham radio stuff since we moved back. I have a couple of tower sections and I want to get them stood up outside my office window and put up some kind of wire antenna between there and the big tower.

I have made progress on house projects. Today I was doing some prep for replacing that last porch post with the last column. Possibly I could get that done tomorrow if I focus on it for a couple of hours.

And I’m slowly whittling away on the big pile of dirt out in the front yard, leftovers from the concrete pouring a few weeks ago.

I have the wounded boat that we bought and I mangled. I’m hoping I might still make some progress on that this fall.

One reply on “Provisional goodbye”

Good! I don’t _think_ I shared this before: Years ago I was walking through a nicer neighborhood (Piedmont, CA) and an old Fiat convertible was parked in someones driveway. It looked very out of place. The owner was there outside and I asked about it. It was an old beater that friends gave her to fix up as she had one like it decades before. I said okay, let’s walk this through. You spend time finding parts – which isn’t easy – and get it fixed up and at the end of the day you have a death trap – no air bags no ABS and it will break down again and again. You should rethink it. She agreed with me.

(Six years ago I got rid of my gorgeous dark green Saab convertible with 5 speed and a turbo. It was a fun car! But it was 20 years old (15 of those with me) and, although it looked great, things were breaking. Not good when freeway driving. Not good when far from home. It was time.)

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