Mississippi running

Old and fat and hot and slow

[Wednesday: 4 miles in the early AM; Saturday: 5 miles, about 2 miles of walking]

My running this summer has been pitiful.  The Saturday running group, probably the last 3-4 times over there I’ve mixed running and walking.  I start off pretty good, but after a couple of miles I just don’t have much gumption.

Some of it is the heat and humidity.  When I have two trickles from the bill of my cap, usually I’m not good for much more.

And some of it is just being too fat and getting old.  I think I’ve lost about 5 pounds from my peak, but that isn’t enough to make me light on my feet.  I have a long way to go.  Today while I was running I was thinking of that scene in A Christmas Carol where the Ghost of Marley visits Scrooge.  He says, “These are the chains I forged in life!”  And that sums it up pretty well.


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