Ham Radio

HBR Receiver

[Today’s run: 6.5 miles with the Boardtown Runners]

That half-finished receiver that I picked up at the Jackson hamfest has opened up an interesting vein of information.

I had posted a few questions on the Boatanchors forum on the website.  And more then once someone referenced the “HBR” receiver designs which appeard in QST articles in the late ’50s, into the mid-’60s.

I found a compilation of all of this info was available from one of the original parties of the day W6HHT  at  So I ordered up a copy of the e-book/compilation and I ‘m just getting started on it.

So far I am mostly getting the flavor of the times and the people involved.  It is very interesting already.  I don’t know if I will ever build an HBR receiver but it sure sounds like a nice project.