Gym Day:  45 min. lifting

I go to the local YMCA Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings to lift.  The “Y” has three separate weight rooms:  a circuit room, and nautilus  room and a free weight room.  I lift in the last of these three rooms and that is a definite man cave room. Why would I choose to lift in the free weight room?  Simply put, I am too short for any of the weight machines and that is what all the other rooms are, machines!  A dumbbell is a one size fits all.

When I first started going to the “Y”, the guys in the weight room were not overly pleased to have a woman in their domain.  It took quite a bit of work to get them to even look at me let alone talk to me.  It’s a good thing that I am a little “thick” and do not take a hint very well.

Now, the “guys” are good friends and we help spot each other and generally have a good time.  Before, when I could not get them to talk to me? now, I can not get them to shut up!

Now, let us sing together, “The YMCA…”