Monthly Archives: November 2017

Taper Time!!!


We survived!!!

It’s FINALLY Taper Time!

I’ve been working on getting my head in the right place for this race.  I know it’s going to be hard.

I know this.


It will be worth it!

It will be worth all the hours of training.  All those dark o’clock runs.  All the sweltering Mississippi summer runs.  These last few chilly runs.  The long, hard back to back to back training runs.  The tears.  The runs that were fabulous and I could have run forever.  The runs that sucked and I could barely run to the end of my driveway, let along grind out 20 miles.  Watching my pace tank~each run getting slower and slower and knowing that if that was my best, it wasn’t going to be good enough to get me to the finish before they shut off the clock.

The fear.


I have lots of online friends who will be running this exact same race.  People who WIN as in overall win their races will be there!  There will be runners there trying to break the world record.  There will be legends in the ultra running community there…and then there will be me. I’m just a middle aged house wife from Mississippi!  What makes me think I could possible do something of this magnitude?

I will be running my heart out trying desperately to cross that finish before they shut off the clock.


If I get down to just a few miles and they stop the clock, I’ll keep running unless they drag me off the course.  I’m heading to Brazos Bend to run 100 miles and by God, I’m going to run 100 miles!  If the clock is off, so be it.  I’m going to get those miles.

6 years ago when I started running, never in a million years would the thought of running, let alone training for a 100 mile race entered my head.  Here I am, a few months shy of 56 years old, packing my bags to give this my best shot!

There have been times when it would have been sooooo easy to just throw in the towel, not on just this race but on running in general.  Let’s face it, running can really(!) hurt. So many wonderful things have happened in my life and the lives of my husband and children due to this sport~I couldn’t give up!



Seventeen days from right now, I will have been running 15 hours.  Hopefully I will be around mile 65-ish on my way towards earning my buckle and a buckle for my buddy, Aiden!

The sky is not the limit!  Think BIGGER!!!



