Monthly Archives: October 2017

It’s The People You Meet That Make It Special

It genuinely is!

You know I kid around about how much I talk on the course and making new friends while racing but it really IS the absolutely amazing people you meet at events/races that make all the hours of training worthwhile!



In the short 6 years I’ve been running, I’ve found a great deal of joy and sense of accomplishment.  I’ve learned that this short, middle aged housewife body is capable of so much more than I ever imagined!!!

I’ve also met some amazing people along the way who have been a HUGE encouragement to me.  In this blog, I’d like to introduce you to some of the people I was blessed to meet and chat with while at the Chicago Marathon.  Buckle up~it was an incredible weekend!

The first person I met, we carpooled from Mississippi up to Chicago together.  We’ve chatted online but had never met IRL until we hopped in my car and headed north.


Bear in mind, I warned her my mouth does not have an “Off” button and she might want to consider packing earplugs.  She was a brave soul and listened to me chatter 12 hours driving up to Chicago and another 12 hours driving home.  We also took a few train rides into and out of the City.  She’s very patient and a great listener and now a good friend!  What a great travel buddy!!!  *Demetria, we got the AC in the car fixed yesterday.  They fixed the slow leak in the tire, too!  You up for another trip?

You met the two women who generously opened their home to me in my last blog.  They were amazing and I’ll never be able to thank them enough!


When we got to the Expo, Holy COW!!!  It was terrific to bump into so many friends!  Some people I had met in Germany at the Berlin Marathon and others I had met in London at the London Marathon but it was terrific to get to see them again!



Denise I had been blessed to meet last fall in Berlin and Michael I met in London this past spring.  *Michael set a Guinness World Record at London AND received his finishers medal from the Duchess Kate Middleton~not that I’m jealous about that or anything.*  Congratulations, Michael!!!

We had a Twitter meet up!  How much fun to finally meet so many Twitter peeps!!!



I bumped into a guy I knew from the church I attended as a little kid!  I think the last time I saw you, Troy, you were 5 years old?  Man, I feel old!  LOL!!!


And we can’t forget the Happy Panda or the Yeti!



I don’t know who the poor soul was in that Yeti suit but they were melting!  Poor guy!!!  I hope they paid him extra for wearing that thing!

It’s always awesome to bump into people from your home town!  Awesome running, Bonnie!!!


This man, I’ve been wanting to meet him for 2 years!!!  I thought for sure I’d get to finally bump into him in London this past April but it didn’t work out.  I was sooooo excited to finally meet him!!!  It was a pleasure Iain!


What can I say about FINALLY getting to meet THE Bart Yasso IRL!?!  We’ve chatted enough on Twitter so I was beyond excited to get to meet him!!!  *and no, Bart.  I do not Tweet 24/7.  Funny guy!!!


We were getting ready to leave the Expo on day #1 (I went to the Expo two days) when a woman grabbed my arm and asked, “What’s your name?”  I’m thinking to myself, “I don’t know you.  Why do you want to know?”  I told her my name and she shouted, “Hey, Glenn!  Is the the lady you were looking for?”

Hahaha!!!  I’d spent the better part of that day looking for Glenn and had pretty much given up.  I’m so glad that woman grabbed my arm!!!  Congrats on a terrific race, Glenn!


It was a wonderful weekend!!!

No matter how much fun I have and all the incredibly awesome and inspiring people I meet, still~every race, every training run, every step I take is for Aiden.

