Monthly Archives: July 2017

I’m Hungry, Mother! *How To Fix Eggs*

The training miles are starting to increase and I’m tickled pink!  There’s nothing I love more than running lots and lots of miles!!!  There are a few disadvantages to high mileage with the primary one being….

I’m ALWAYS hungry!!!

I think about food from the second I get up until I fall asleep at night.

During my training run I’m thinking about what I’m going to fix for lunch.

*Criteria for food isn’t always about how delicious it is but more importantly, how will it fuel me for the next days miles while helping my body recover from the miles I’m presently running.

I eat a lot of protein.  I also eat a lot of carbohydrates.

After a super hard run, my go to food is eggs.

We’re going to get up close and personal in our discussion about eggs.  As a rule, I can’t stand the things!  Major yuck!  I know they’re good for me.  I know they’re a terrific, low budget source of protein.

I HAD to find a way to eat eggs without bringing them right back up.

See, my problem is, if I see the egg white, I cannot bring myself to eat them!  I Just. Can’t. Do. It.

Egg whites turn my stomach.  Even if I hold my nose, I about gag trying to eat them.


You’ve probably guessed by now that boiled eggs, sunny side up, over easy, poached….none of that will pass this kid’s lips.

This leaves just scrambled eggs.

First things first in making scrambles eggs is to beat the things within an inch of their lives.  If I even THINK I *might* see a hint of egg white~forget it.  I won’t eat it.

The other necessary thing to do is add something to the eggs to disguise the taste.  Let’s face it, eggs are not the most delicious things in the world (IMO).

When I started trying to force myself to eat eggs, I added about a gallon of shredded cheddar cheese and a bottle of Tabasco Sauce to them.  That did the trick but the cheese was a tad high in fat.  I tried to rationalize the cheese as a calcium supplement but it was adding a bit too many calories and I new I needed to find a different way to kill the taste of the eggs.

This is what I finally settled on!  It’s actually pretty good!


I add Fire Roasted Tomatoes, Fresh Mushrooms, Fresh Jalapenos, and sometimes diced onions if I have any in the house and I add that into the eggs.  The mushrooms are high in Vitamin D, the Tomatoes have a lot of Potassium and the Jalapenos make my tongue go numb so I can’t taste the eggs!  LOL!!!

Tomorrow I’m going to try out a brand new model of Altra’s and I’m super excited about that!  I’m hoping to write up a “real” blog about the shoes!

Happy Running, all!!!

