Monthly Archives: April 2017

Eight Days!!!

I actually thought about waiting until tomorrow to write this blog but Monday’s can be kind of hectic around here and then the window of opportunity would be gone.  What window, you ask?

Whenever I hear the words, “Seven Days,” my poor movie line addled brain automatically syncs the line from the movie, “The Ring.”  You know that line…

That’s the entire reason I wanted to wait until tomorrow to write this blog!  I wanted to be able to title it, Seven Days.  #lame

Moving right along…..

In eight days, MFH (My Favorite Husband) and I will be hopping a plane and heading towards the United Kingdom!  I think even MFH is finally getting excited!!!



We have ordered our Oyster Cards for public transportation while in London.



Friday I went to our bank and ordered Pound Notes for our trip.  They should be arriving at the bank for pick up tomorrow (they have to be sent from Kentucky).



While I was at the bank ordering the Pound Notes, I had a long wait.  Now, Kali and I had made a stop at the vets, first.  She was due for shots.  When we arrived at the bank, there wasn’t any shade in the parking area so I carried her into the bank in her kitty carrier.

Do you have any idea the funny looks you get from people when you take a selfie with your cat in the middle of the bank?



*By the way, I didn’t order any coins.

Being from the US, I have a difficult time appreciating the value of coins.  Here it’s just a penny, nickel, dime and a quarter.  We’ve tried the Susan B. Anthony dollar coin a ways back but that didn’t take off.  On both trips to Germany, I’ve returned home with a LOT of change in the bottom of my purse.  When I’ve had the chance and added it up, it’s added up to a substantial amount of money!

The numbers on the Euros are hard for me to read (I’m vain and don’t want to dig for my reading glasses just to see the tiny number on the coin) so I prefer paper money.  Maybe if I lived over there for a while, I’d get used to it?

Then there was the nightmare I had last night…

I dreamed we arrived all the way to Heathrow only to discover our passports were still in the desk cubbyhole at home.  Not cool.  The passports are now officially packed!



I’m collecting all the stuff that I’ll be needing for the London Marathon and putting them in my carry on suitcase.  That suitcase will NOT be leaving my side.  I don’t care if they lose my check in bag….well I DO care but it wouldn’t be the end of the world like it would be if they lost my running stuff!  I can live in my running stuff but I can’t run a marathon in my jeans and penny loafers.

Things packed? My running kit. Altra One 2.5 shoes. Injinji socks. Tailwind. ChafeX. Cap.  Arm warmers and throw away gloves. Zensah Compression Sleeves.  I think that will get me 26.2 miles, what do you think?

I still have a doctor appointment on Thursday to get through.  A haircut on Tuesday and a sports massage next Monday.  When I’m in town next Monday for the massage, I need to stop by my sister’s house for the large check bag and outlet adapters for UK plugs.

I’m. So. Excited!!!

There’s still a few more training runs to do but nothing major.  They’ll be more for me to keep my sanity.  LOL!!!

Happy Running, all!!!
