Monthly Archives: February 2017

Switching Gears

I’m back to marathon training.  It’s been a big switch in gears!


Since the beginning of October, I’ve been training for Rocky Raccoon 100.  The focus has been on grinding out the miles and getting the time on my feet.  Well, guess what? We’re doing an abrupt about face.

No more grinding out the miles and time on the feet!  It’s back to speed work and HR/Time training.  It’s about quality miles and getting the most bang out of my workout.

Have to admit, without the clock ticking for my HR/Time workouts, I got lazy.

It’s true!  I didn’t have a specific amount of time to get stuff done.  I simply focused on slogging through the miles.  I mean, I did have 30 hours to run that 100M so it wasn’t any big deal, right?

Well, in reality it WAS a big deal but I wasn’t in any huge danger of not finishing before the clock ran out of time.

Now, I’m training for the London Marathon. (YAY!!!) I have a finishing goal time and the only way I’m going to hit that goal is if I start picking them up and putting them down a LOT faster than I am right now.

Yesterday was my first speed workout for London. It was a challenge!  It wasn’t not do-able, it was just a challenge.

I decided to drive into town and run my speed workouts on the track at our local hospital.  I drove past our local high school.  It’s only 3 miles from my house but they don’t have a track.  That meant a 15 mile drive to get to a track.  I’m willing to do that.

I got to the track and started my warm up.  There was a man running~maybe my age? Of course, I slowed down into step alongside him and started chatting.  Nice guy!  We didn’t talk more than 5 minutes then I took off again.  He was getting ready to cool down and I had some running to do.

After about 1.5 miles, two women who were walking the track stopped me. I mean STOPPED me. They said, “Ma’am, how old are you?”

I’m thinking to myself, “That’s the strangest question anybody has ever stopped to ask me while I’m running!” The very next thought was, “I must look like death for them to ask me this?”

I told them how old I was.  They replied, “You run very well (then those infamous words) FOR YOUR AGE.”

Thanks. I think?

I had to laugh. I really did!  I must have one foot in the grave or something!!!  Well, I had to laugh or something like that could make a person cry!  LOL!!!

Seriously, though.  That was just weird. At least they didn’t ask me how much I weighed, right?

I discovered that I need to learn to button my lip and focus on my workout. I talk too much! *and don’t any of you be agreeing with that!   😉




Yesterday’s run was a timed fartlek workout.  Tomorrow is a timed LSR (Long Slow Run) in HR (Heart Rate) zone 2 (uber low HR).

I always take these as a personally challenge to see just how far I can get in the allotted amount of time and keep my HR in the assigned zone.

Game ON!

Happy Running, all!!!




#Zensah Athlete



#AbbottWMM  *London Marathon 67 days






#AltraRunning #embracethespace #zerolimits





