Monthly Archives: August 2016


Pneumonia. I have pneumonia. Yay, me?

To say I’m bummed would be an understatement.

Berlin Marathon is in 33 days.  I really, really need to get rid of this.


The question is, how did I get this?

MFH (My Favorite Husband) and I put our heads together and we think we know how/why.

Close to 3 weeks ago, our A/C was on the blink and we had the repairman out to take a look.  He wasn’t exactly what I would call a “Johnny on the Spot” kind of guy.  He took his air compressor and blew out the line.

When he did this, he blew a bunch of yucky mold/mildew into the sinks and tubs (apparently they were connected and/or he messed up).  He charged us $140 and left.  The A/C was working better so MFH was a happy guy.

As soon as he left, whenever the A/C kicked on, I smelled some….funky smell.  It was like the system was blowing all that yucky stuff he had blown into the sinks and tubs through the house.  Soon I had a headache and sore throat.

Right after that, MFH left for a 2 week business trip.  Seeing as that A/C guy was kind of creepy, I didn’t really want him coming into the house while MFH was gone.  I wanted to call them back and say, “Hey!  My house smells!” but I wanted to be sure they wouldn’t come back for a service call until I knew MFH would be back from his trip.

Finally, I gave in and called.  I figured I could tell them, “Don’t come until next Monday” and get us on the schedule.  When I called, I got their voice mail.  I left a message.

I never heard back.

MFH was home now and we still hadn’t received a return call.  He thought that I should call again, so I did AND I got a person!  Success!!!

I explained the problem and kind of got brushed off.  Seeing as I was coughing by now, I wasn’t putting up with their nonsense.  Being insistent, they agreed to send somebody out the next day.

We were told it would be the same guy as last time.  *groan*  As my FIL likes to say, “Beats a poke in the eye with a sharp stick” and we were happy to A) get a warm body on the other end of the phone and B) actually have somebody coming out to the house.

Last Thursday, somebody came by.  YAY!!!  It wasn’t the looser guy who started this whole mess, it was somebody who knew which end was up.  He poured bleach down different tubes and pipes.  We were instructed NOT to use them for X hours so the bleach could kill off all the mold/mildew.

That night, I went to bed and for the first time since that initial guy that blew out the system left, I didn’t smell all that nasty stuff when the A/C kicked on.  I was such a happy person!!!

I coughed myself to sleep.

I woke up coughing.

I coughed on my run.

I coughed when I wasn’t running.

I pretty much coughed non-stop.

I was also kind of tee’d off with that initial A/C guy.  I KNEW that the cough was due to breathing in all that gunk he blew into the A/C system of my house.  Boo.

To make a long story short, the cough is much worse and today I finally broke down and went to see my doctor.


I am a very sad panda.

On the other hand, MFH is the sweetest and drove into town to pick up my antibiotics for me.  #truelove

Training plans?

Well, the doctor and I chatted about that.  Lucky for me he is a fitness guy and understands the need for training.  We decided that I would do my training runs and absolutely NOTHING else.  I would be a lump of person.  Resting.  Recovering.  Getting better.

Tomorrow’s a rest day.  That’s a great start!  Long run Wednesday.
