Monthly Archives: May 2016


A lifetime ago, I “ran” the BolderBoulder.  I’m thinking this was in 1997(?).  It’s been so long ago that I’m not exactly sure but I think that’s right.  I was an aerobics instructor and a personal trainer at a local gym in Colorado and with the cooperation of the gym gathered a group of people and together we walked the race.  The gym was awesome and printed up shirts for us:  A) so we could find each other, making it easier for us to stick together at the race and B) to advertise the gym.

#1 Son decided he wanted to walk the race with us as well.  He was all of 7 years old (6 or 7 somewhere in there.  He was just a little guy.).  He was quite adamant and persuasive!  Finally MFH (My Favorite Husband) and I relented.  He was registered for the race and tagged along.

I don’t know how much you know about the BolderBoulder?  It is a HUGE event!  50,000 participants!  That’s about the size of the NYC Marathon.  Seeing as we were walking the event, we weren’t assigned a wave,  we were in the “open” start.  That means, we were part of the masses of folks there so they could say they had completed this race and have some fun.

Now, #1 Son had a mind of his own back then.  Well, he still does but back then you sometimes just had to decide what battles were worth the fight.  *thank goodness he’s mellowed over the years.  He’s a pretty awesome man!*

Race day arrived and he decided he was going to wear his boots.  These were kind of like hiking boots but not exactly.  They were very clunky and he always refused to lace them.  When he walked they would…clunk!  He also refused to wear socks with them.  I tried and tried to reason with him.  We would be doing a 10K and his feet were not going to be happy!!!  No matter what I said, he was adamant.  He WAS going to wear the boots and NO he would not wear socks.


We met with the group of people from the gym and made the drive to Boulder.  The gun went off and we began our 6.2 mile walk through Boulder!

It was such a pretty day.  There were a lot of people but things were going smoothly and we were having a great time chatting and enjoying each others company.

#1 Son spotted a water stop and said he was going to grab a Gatorade.


I never saw him again during the race.

We were only a two person width away from that water stop!  How could he have disappeared like that!?!

Enter:  #MomMode



I barreled through the people to the course officials.


What is he wearing ma’am.

I describe those goofy boots sans socks.  The cut offs.  Matching shirts…

Lots of talking into walkie-talkies.

Lots of shaking of heads.

Lots of shrugging of shoulders.


They couldn’t find him either!


The people from the gym were almost(!) as frantic as I was because I was becoming unglued.

They were trying to calm me.  Console me.  They were calling his name.  We all were calling for him!!!

Where did that kid go?????

The course official people told us to keep walking and they would keep looking and have us re-united before the end of the race.

Keep Walking!?!  ARE YOU CRAZY!?!

We did.  We kept walking.  Calling.  Asking perfect strangers if they’d seen a little boy in those goofy boots sans socks.

Every time we saw a race official, I was a #mamabear.  Have you found him yet?  “Found who, ma’am?”  That was the incorrect thing to say.  I would erupt.  Again.

I was frantic.

I was crying.

I was a bad mom.


Walking 6.2 miles searching for your son, no matter how awesome of a race the BolderBoulder may be, is not my idea of a good time.

The finish line is visible and as a group we are just about to cross it.  There out of the corner of my eye, off to the left, was another race official person.  By his side was a little boy.  This little boy was wearing cutoffs and the most glorious clunky boots sans socks I’d ever seen in my life!!!

I ran over to him.  Hugged the stuffing out of that kid!  I was crying!  I was soooo relieved!!!  He was totally and completely oblivious to what had happened and didn’t see what the big deal was all about.


That is my race review of the 1997 BolderBoulder.





