Monthly Archives: December 2014

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!!!

I am a sucker for gimmicky social media stuff.  It’s pretty sad, really.

The thing I absolutely cannot pass is the opportunity to do a FB quiz.  If there is a new quiz, I simply must take it.  I’m surprised the people on my FL still speak to me, I take so many quizzes!

There is a new app out~a year end summary type of thing.  Actually, FB came out with one.  It’s not very good.  Google came out with one, too.  It’s better.  Then yesterday, I noticed another one.  It is called, My Times 2014.  It is laid out like a newspaper.

To do this, all you have to do is click the button and the app snoops through your FB stuff and makes a mock newspaper page with your posts from 2014.

I actually LIKE to read newspapers.  I used to read our local one cover to cover until they got a new editor.  Now our paper isn’t worth opening.  I don’t read it anymore.  They copy and paste stuff that is two days old that you can find in your FB feed the second it happens.  Lame.

Being the sucker I am for these things, I had to push the button!  I HAD to!!!  Here is my year in review…..
