Monthly Archives: March 2014

The Cloud

Yesterday, there were not enough hours in the day to complete all the things on my “To Do” list.  Writing my blog was one of the things that was left incomplete.

I was going to tell you about “The Cloud” that I have encountered that last couple of times that I have run “Limerock Road.”

When I run “Limerock,” from our front door to the end of Limerock, where it dead ends, is approximately 8 mile.  That depends on if I run the cul-de-sac at the end of our street or not.  Some days I just don’t have it in me to add on the cul-de-sac and yesterday was one of those days.  I am running on fumes at the moment.  No cul-de-sac.  But, that is not my story.

Limerock Road is a very secluded rural road.  One side of it is cotton fields and the other side is cattle.  Not much else.  There is not a lot of traffic of which to speak.  It is a nice, quiet stretch of road.  At one point, the trees canopy the road so that in the Summer, when it is super, duper hot, you get a little relief from the blistering sun.  That is always welcome!

A year ago, this road was gravel. The road department decided to spray some type of oily stuff on the gravel, to keep the dust down. That is the road surface.  It is not too bad of a road on which to run.

But, the cloud!

Right before you get to those trees…the ones that canopy the road?  There is a skunk that lives around there.  Somewhere.  It seems that either I am spooking that skunk or something has spooked it right before I get there, because there is always this cloud, this residue of Black and White perfume.  You can almost see it.  You can definitely taste it!  And I am in the middle of it before I realize it and then it is too late!

So, this past Friday (yesterday) I was running along when BAM!  Skunk!  Rats!  It was too late.  Again!

MFH (My Favorite Husband) has never mentioned to me that I smell of skunk when I return from my runs from along Limerock.  I do not know if he is just being kind or if I have just been lucky so far.  I know I am not speedy enough to think that I am zooming through that cloud so fast that it does not have time to stick to me!  HA!

Some morning, I will remember this “cloud” and maybe try to turn onto Sally Freeman Road to avoid it and run down by the TomBigBee River instead?