Monthly Archives: August 2013

Best Friends?

Today’s Run:  5.25 miles

Those of you who read my blog regularly know that I had a little(?) problem with a raccoon a week ago.  This nasty creature ate three of my best laying hens.  This made me very unhappy and it stressed out my remaining hens.  They are doing better now and laying again but they were not happy chickens.

Now, the chicken area of my yard looks lonely.  I love the hens I have but I miss the hustle and bustle of a lot of chickens scurrying around the yard.  My husband and I talked it over and decided to replace the lost hens.

I have access to people who have chickens.  A poultry swap on FB.  These people are fanatics about their chickens!  I thought I was bad but I do not hold a candle to some of these people!  One person even has a special cage in her house to keep her favorite chicken with her at all times.  That is going above and beyond (IMO).

Anyway, I sent out feelers today and have located 4 Black Australorp hens and hour north of where I live.  Tomorrow I will go for a nice drive and bring the ladies home.

I know I am in for a bit of a rough week with the pecking for order in the flock~but after a bit of time, all will be well and they will be the best of friends.

The only Black Australorp I have presently is Ed Stakrispie.  She is the hero of the childrens stories I write for our regional magazine.  It will be difficult to top a name like Ed Stakrispie but I am asking you to put a few moments of time into name suggestions for the new ladies.  Thanks for your help~~~