Monthly Archives: February 2013

Weather Station

Today’s Run: 6.50 miles

My husband likes to bid on things on the GSA auction site.  He likes to bid on various and sundry items and then say to me, “I bid on something today but don’t worry about it, I’m not going to get it.”.  Those are the ones that I do need to worry about.  Nine times out of ten it seems like he gets those specific items and they are a very long way from where we live.

When you win something on the GSA auction site, you are required to pick the item up within ten days of notification of the win.  We have gone to Des Moines, Iowa and the Georgia Atlantic Ocean coast to pick up items he has “won”.  And they really are great deals!  This last “win” was in Massachusetts.

I do not know how much you follow the weather but they have received an awful lot of snow up in the New England states in the last few weeks. My husband won three weather stations up there a couple of weeks ago (weather stations and blizzards, seems appropriate, huh?) and we needed to pick them up within the required ten days but there was absolutely no way we could get up there a) with our schedule and b) with the weather.  Enter UPS.

Sure!  They would be happy to go to the pick up site and collect the weather stations and pack them and ship them…for a small fee…It really was worth the fee.  UPS was great!!!

We now have three weather stations that actually work!  My husband has been busy with the first of the three, programming it and designing the layout, etc.  It has been pretty exciting to see it all come together.

33.4 N – 88.5 W – 275 ft
02/27/13 21:48:10
Sunrise: 12:24
Sunset: 23:50
Moon: Waning 95% Full
Temperature: 59.3 F
Wind Chill: 59.3 F
Heat Index: 59.3 F
Apparent Temp: 50.1 F
Dewpoint: 32.4 F
Humidity: 36 %
Barometer: 29.966 in –
Wind: W at 10.0 mph
High Wind: 29.0 mph at 19:41
Average Wind: 9.0 mph
Beaufort Scale: Gentle Breeze
Today’s Rain: 0.00 in
Rain Rate: 0.00 in/hr
High Rain Rate: 0.00 in/hr at —–
Storm Total: 0.00 in
Monthly Rain: 0.00 in
Yearly Rain (JAN): 0.00 in
Air Density: 1.223 kg/m^3
Cumulus Base: 6144 ft
High Temperature: 60.0 F at 20:33
Low Temperature: 33.0 F at 12:43
High Heat Index: 60.0 F at 20:33
Low Wind Chill: 33.0 F at 12:43
High Humidity: 93 % at 13:05
Low Humidity: 33 % at 21:00
High Dewpoint: 35.7 F at 18:53
Low Dewpoint: 30.7 F at 21:00
High Barometer: 30.052 in at 17:00
Low Barometer: 29.843 in at 00:29

0 years, 0 months, 0 days, 17 hours, 31 minutes, 31 seconds
wview 5.20.2 WXT510 (/dev/ttyO2)

Pretty Cool Beans!  Would not you say!?!