Monthly Archives: May 2012

Many Hands Make Light Work

Today’s run:  3.32 miles fartleks

Today has been a very busy “woman’s work” day.  My husband and I were up and running (literally) at 5:30 this morning and got that out of the way.  After that, my day began.

Called my mother-in-law on the phone and while talking to her, mixed bread dough for the bread (we were out).  While the bread was on the first rise, did the dishes.  Put bread dough into bread pans, showered from our run.  Put bread into the oven.  Started lunch.  Finished with the bread and completed lunch.  Did dishes. Oh, and I forgot the three loads of laundry I did in between all this.  Swept the carpet and the kitchen, mopped, ran errands, fixed dinner and then announced that “the guys” had the privilege of cleaning the kitchen!  They were good sports and cleaned up for me.  Now, the world is my oyster and the next thing I will have them do is peel me some grapes (just kidding!)

Trust you had a blessed day!