Category Archives: Lifting

Cool Beans vs Chilled Legumes

Today’s Run:  50 min lifting at the “Y”

I have a pet phrase.  It pops out of my mouth continually.  It is used for enthusiasm, encouragement, and to end a conversation.  That phrase is, “Cool Beans!”.  It is the epitome of catch phrases.  It is all encompassing in its uses.  Awesome phrase that, Cool Beans.

Recently, my son was conversing with me through text.  We were being smart with each other, one trying to outdo the other.  I was saving my Cool Beans for my grand conclusion when he texted me, “Chilled Legumes”.  Chilled Legumes!?!  What in the world does that mean???  It was late evening and I was a little fuzzy.  Not thinking clearly.

Do you know that by the next morning I still did not “get it”!?!  I was incredibly S-L-O-W on the uptake.  It is embarrassing for me to even admit it here.  My son had to explain to me that he had got the upper hand.  How humiliating.  How degrading.  Here I had been saving my Cool Beans and he had “turned a phrase” and beat me at my own game.

He still gives me grief about that.  I don’t think I will ever be allowed to forget it.  I think that if he has his way, my headstone will be engraved with, “Chilled Legumes”.

So, that is my embarrassing admission to you all today.  I was beat at my own game.  By my 23 year old son.  And he is reveling in that today.  Probably as we speak.  Kids…